APRIL 2021: Following strong objections from myself and many local residents, the application for this peak power facility has been withdrawn.
I am opposing the planning application for a Gas Peak Power Facility in Mill Hill and have written to Barnet Council with my objections.
The proposal falls within designated Metropolitan Green Belt and has the potential to cause severe harm to the Green Belt and its openness. As such, it constitutes inappropriate development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
There is no evidence of ‘very special circumstances’, nor the need for this facility, or that this is the best location available.
Furthermore, the proposal does not meet any of the criteria for exceptions as set out in paragraphs 145 and 146 of the NPPF.
The application is also contrary to the London Borough of Barnet’s own Development Management policies on Green Belt/Metropolitan Open Land which state:
“(i) Development proposals in Green Belt are required to comply with the NPPF (paras 79 to 92). In line with the London Plan the same level of protection given to Green Belt land will be given to Metropolitan Open Land (MOL).”
And “(ii) Except in very special circumstances, the council will refuse any development in the Green Belt or MOL which is not compatible with their purposes and objectives and does not maintain their openness.”
This proposal for two large industrial units will increase the built footprint on this part of the Green Belt which will be detrimental to the open nature of the Green Belt. It will have an adverse impact on an adjacent public right of way and will have a visually detrimental impact on residential properties to the south and west of the site as well as those who enjoy this open space and adjacent Ecological Enhancement Areas.
I believe this application is inappropriate for this site, being harmful to the Green Belt and its openness; failing to demonstrate any ‘very special circumstances’; failing to meet any of the criteria for exceptions; and being contrary to Barnet’s own development policies.
Photo: Visiting the site with Val Duschinsky, Councillor for Mill Hill